날짜 제목 분류
2024. 3. 29. TIL on 2024-03-29 about GAIQ Audience, Conversion, Dimensional Explore, Dynamic, Event, Explore, GAIQ, Hold back, Metric, Trigger
2024. 3. 28. TIL on 2024-03-28 about GAIQ Account, Analytics, Categorical Data, Data Modeling, Datastream, Dimension, Machine Learning & Automation, Metric, Metrics, Numerical Data, Pixel, Property, Stream, Tag, Variable
2024. 3. 26. TIL on 2024-03-26 about GAIQ BigQuery, Dimension, Google Signals Data, ID Space, Metric, User-ID, cross-platform, event, properties, session
2024. 2. 24. TIL on SAT about SQL(1) normalization, anomaly, normal form
2024. 2. 24. TIL on SAT about SQL(2) SQL, DML, select, distinct, as, order by, DESC, where
2024. 2. 23. TIL on FRI about DLS transfer learning, data synthesis, multi-task learning, end-to-end deep learning
2024. 2. 23. TIL on FRI about SQL relationship, pairing, degree, cardinality, optional membership, attribute, domain, identifier
2024. 2. 22. TIL on THU about DLS error analysis, setting goal, training-dev set, data mismatch
2024. 2. 22. TIL on 2024-02-22 about special_lecture Allemment problem, Atlas, Boston Dynamics, Code as Policles, GPP, GPT, IHMC Nacila, Instmct, Mobile ALOHA, RT-2, Robot Transformer, Sementic Segmentation, Tesla, Unitree H, lext Detection
2024. 2. 20. TIL on TUE about DLS(1) ML strategy, orthogonalization, evaluation metric, satisficing metric, optimizing metric, dev set, test set
2024. 2. 20. TIL on TUE about DLS(2) orthogonalization, change metrics, human level performance, bayes optimal error, avoidable bias, variance, error analysis, improving model performance
2024. 2. 20. TIL on 2024-02-20 about special_lecture data model, deep learning, example, formula, language model, machine learning, math, memorization, optimization, textbook, transformer, tuning, wikipedia
2024. 2. 19. TIL on MON about DLfromScratch fully connected, affine, padding
2024. 2. 19. TIL on MON about DLS(1) random hyperparameter tuning, coarse to fine, batch normalization, gamma, beta, batch norm, mini batch
2024. 2. 19. TIL on MON about DLS(2) batch normalization, covariate shift, softmax, softmax
2024. 2. 18. TIL on SUN about DLfromScratch(book) perceptron, activation, XOR, perceptron, neural network, activation function, step function, softmax, overflow, monotonic function, batch, optimization, RMSprop, AdaGrad, exponential moving average
2024. 2. 18. TIL on SUN about DLS momentum, exponentially weighted average, RMSprop, Adam, bias correction, moment, learning rate dacay, local optima, saddle point, plateaus
2024. 2. 17. TIL on SAT about DLfromScratch(book) Dynamic, init, instance, object, tensor
2024. 2. 17. TIL on SAT about DLS bias correction, momentum
2024. 2. 15. TIL on THU about DLS minibatch, SGD, stochastic gradient descent, exponentially weighted average, moving average
2024. 1. 31. TIL on WED about DLS data augmentation, early stopping, normalizing, normalize, vanishing, exploding, random initialization, gradient checking
2024. 1. 26. TIL on FRI train set, dev set, test set, bias, variance, underfitting, overfitting, bayes error, bigger network more data, regularization, L2 regularization, dropout regularization, inverted dropout technique, OOP, piping, chaining, dplyr, SQL, ggplot
2024. 1. 25. TIL on THU R, RPA, Quarto
2024. 1. 24. TIL on WED python, kernel, method, namespace, module, error message, escape, hashablility, set
2024. 1. 23. TIL on TUE R, python, string, vector arithmetic, zip, enumerate, where
2024. 1. 22. TIL on MON deep learning, deep neural networks, DNN, back propagation, forward propagation, matrix dimensions in DNN, hyperparameter
2024. 1. 21. TIL on SUN deep learning, neural networks, activation, vectorizing, activation function, gradient descent, random initialization
2024. 1. 19. TIL on FRI deep learning, back propagation, logistic regression, vectorization, SIMD, broadcasting, likelihood
2024. 1. 18. TIL on THU R, python, vector, list, dictionary, vector arithmetic, list comprehension
2024. 1. 17. TIL on WED machine learning, model, polynomial regression, overfitting, underfitting, k-fold cross-validation, deep learning, binary classification, logistic regression, sigmoid function, loss function, cost function, gradient descent
2024. 1. 16. TIL on TUE python, dynamic typing, memory, variables, list, deepcopy, packing, unpacking, formatting, padding, f-string, PEP, linear algebra, dot product, cross product, deep learning
2024. 1. 12. TIL on FRI SMART questions, vector, dot product, commutative property, distribute property, associative property, cauchy-schwarz inequality, deep learning, neural network, supervised learning, standard NN, CNN, RNN
2024. 1. 11. TIL on THU ask, data analysis, object, OOP, memory, R, python, data independence, schema, instance, entity SQL
2024. 1. 10. TIL on WED basis, linear algebra, Dictionary, key, value, get, PY4E, python
2024. 1. 9. TIL on TUE subspace, span, linear algebra
2024. 1. 8. TIL on MON list, data structure, PY4E, python, fairness, coursera, data modeling, SQL
2024. 1. 7. TIL on SUN linear combination, linear dependence, linear independence, span, linear algebra
2024. 1. 6. TIL about PY4E python, indentation, iteration variable, continue, indefinite loop, definite loop, grab line, hunting, is, string, method, object oriented function, parsing
2023. 12. 31. TIL about Finance finance, cash flow, CFFA, OCF, NWC, CAPEX, NPV, IRR, capital budgeting, mutually exclusive, risk, risk premium, beta, CAPM, cost of capital, WACC, raising capital, rights offering, capital structure, MM propositions, DE ratio
2023. 7. 3. TIL about General Biology(3) genetics, Gregor Mendel, incomplete dominance, alleles, nucleotide, DNA replication, PCR, codon, RNA, tRNA, ribosome, virus
2023. 7. 2. TIL about General Biology(2) photosynthesis, light reactions, calvin cycle, photophosphorylation, cell division, mitosis, G1 checkpoint, cancer, meiosis
2023. 7. 1. TIL about General Biology(1) amino acids, eukaryotic cell, membrane protein, ATP, enzyme, cellular respiration, glycolysis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
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